Manyсhat - Facebook is currently down – Incident details

Facebook is currently down

Major outage
Started over 3 years agoLasted about 19 hours


3rd party: Facebook API

Major outage from 3:49 PM to 10:42 AM

  • Resolved

    This incident has been resolved.

  • Monitoring

    Looks like Facebook has fixed the issue, but we're still monitoring the results. All our systems are back and functioning, but in a small percent of cases we still see some glitches from the Facebook's APIs (especially for WhatsApp). Please consider holding back any paid campaigns for now and giving Facebook some time to recover. We will be monitoring the situation and will close the issue once we're sure that Facebook with all respective Channels is operating normally.

  • Update

    While Facebook is down, Instagram and WhatsApp also seem to be affected globally. We recommend pausing your current campaigns and automations in these channels until further notice.

  • Investigating

    Facebook is currently inoperational, we are investigating this issue. More news to follow soon!